I'm Allie
I believe that sharing stories encourages empathy and change. I look forward to hearing your story and am thankful to you for hearing mine.

Laugh with me, cry with me, and let's change the world one story at a time

Podcast interviews, Article Features and TEDx

Stillbirth Support
The Guide to Surviving Stillbirth, Resources and More
About Me
Hey, I'm Allie
I'm a loss mom, an advocate, a hairdresser, and a loudmouth. I'm married to Drew, and a mom to three beautiful babies.
Our son Henry (Hank) was stillborn at 32 weeks. We love him deeply and miss him greatly. I have dedicated my life to serving the loss parent community and ending preventable stillbirth in his honor.
In August 2021 we met Hank's little sister Octavia, our first living child. She brings us so much joy and a painful reminder of what Henry will never have. Our family was completed in March of 2023 when Hank's youngest sibling Max was born living.
I really hope that visiting this site will bring a smile to your face. I want to make the world a happier place, even if it means talking about some really sad stuff. My hope is that you will find joy in the thoughts and experiences I am honored to share with you.